Guitar Builder Website


Completed 06.11.18

Client Jose Oribe

Location Vista, CA



Additional Details

An email from the client after emailing the test site link:

Janja: How in the world could it be more beautiful? I’m in shock! I came to my computer this morning not expecting to see the website and it brought me to tears.

After going over the site, I only came across only a few emissions and changes ( mostly mine). I’ll try to list them here as I can handle pointing them out with my being still in shock with your unbelievable talent.

It is absolutely wonderful.



Just a few words to express my joy and satisfaction with the results of viewing and operating our new web site. I am extremely impressed with the redo of our site as was my father who was moved to tears with the improvements.

Janja's expertise, professionalism and personality exceeded our expectations. She captured our mission and vision for Oribe Guitars showcase, artistry and life's passion for 56 years of dedication and counting.
I highly recommend Janja to everyone who seeks excellence as it applies to web design.

John Oribe for Jose & Juanita Oribe

Oribe Guitars contact us for a redesign of the old website as a tribute to his 56 years building guitars. He wanted a more updated website showcasing the work and different models of his world-class guitars.

Project Details:

  • Content Management
  • Mobile Friendly Galleries
  • Audio Player
  • Video embed
  • Responsive Website


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